Florida is a beautiful state with lots to offer. It has coastal areas, forests, swamps and lakes. It has many outdoor activities and theme parks families flock to. Despite all there is to enjoy, Florida has an extremely high divorce rate. That high divorce rate has helped rank Florida as one of the most stressed-out states in the United States.
A study that included the District of Columbia in its calculations showed that Florida is the thirteenth-most stressed state in all the U.S. The state still is not as stressed as the top five: Mississippi, West Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana and Alabama.
Why did Florida rank so high?
The study, which ranks first as most stressed and thirtieth as least stressed, showed housing affordability was a major concern at seventh among Floridians. A high number of psychologists make their homes in the state, which ranked at ninth out of thirtieth for stress. Divorce rates are where Florida suffered most, at third.
There are some things that still make the Sunshine State a great place; job security ranked at thirtieth, meaning most people had little stress over their jobs. Adults getting enough sleep ranked at twenty-second, and the average number of hours worked ranked twenty-seventh.
Divorces are hard on people, and they do cause a large amount of stress in some circumstances. When you’re ready to go through a divorce, working with your attorney and considering options like mediation and arbitration can help things go more smoothly. Take the time to get educated on these options, so you can reduce your stress.
Source: The Florida Times-Union, “Study: High divorce rate has Florida among the most-stressed states in the country,” accessed May 03, 2017