When you’re going through a divorce, your safety is important. If you decide to get a divorce and fear your spouse may abuse you or become violent, you do have options, like seeking a protective order. That’s something you’ll want to talk to your attorney about as soon as possible, and even before you decide to let your spouse know you want a divorce, depending on your situation.
For some people, arguments during divorce become heated. That shouldn’t lead to abuse or violence, but it has in this case involving a man in Florida. According to the story, the man allegedly stabbed his wife when she told him she wanted to get a divorce, leaving her with injuries that required hospitalization.
After she stated that she wanted to get a divorce from her husband, the 46-year-old man allegedly used a hunting knife to stab the woman in her chest. She required a breathing tube for support at the hospital and had a .75-inch wound. The couple had been married 25 years. It’s not clear what other kinds of injuries she suffered.
The woman has stated that her husband said he would kill her before he pulled the knife on her and began to attack. A neighbor witnessed her being pulled back inside the house after calling for help from one of the home’s windows. Her husband now faces charges for attempted murder and false imprisonment.
This is an extreme case. If you are worried about how your spouse will respond to you seeking a divorce, you can talk to your attorney about a protective order.
Source: PalmBeachPost, “Florida man stabs his wife during argument over divorce,” Sarah Elsesser, July 10, 2017